New Members
If you are reading this, and you are a new member of the AU-F, congratulations, you are well ahead of the learning curve. Here at the Aurelius Federation we try to give every member the opportunity to step up to the plate, and knock one out of the ballpark. And it is your turn to bat.
What is this corporation about?
The Aurelius Federation is a group of like-minded pilots trying to make their mark in a virtual environment. Sure, maybe we will not conquer all of EVE, but we will have a hell of a good time trying, with that goal in mind every step of the way. After all, that is the point, right? To give it your all, be the best player you can be given your particular set of circumstances, abilities, and desires? You are not paying $15/mo for each of those accounts of yours, just to shoot pixels in missions and fill a hangar with ships that merely collect dust, are you? Trust me, I tried that, after about two or three months you are grasping at straws looking for reasons to log on anymore. Who wants to earn money for the sake of having money? If you were going to do that, wouldn't it be better if it were real money?
We want to grow with players, power, and influence. To do this, we must expand into 0.0, and learn to sustain ourselves unfettered by Empire space, which has now become a bloated shadow of its former self, ripe with boredom, and monotony.
Here at the AU-F we follow a few simple rules:
- Positive Group Dynamic
- Good Personality
- Cooperation
- Respect
- Participation
- Leadership
What are our short term PVP goals in the coming weeks?
We have now assigned groups of dedicated members to each of our POS and they will be responsible for its operation, planning, budget, and income. Now that this has been done, there should be more time for people such as myself, to lead PvP fleets, regularly, more than once a week.
We are also looking to train specialized fleets, be they bomber fleets, battlecruiser fleets, recon fleets, battleship fleets, or etc. But more importantly we need players to focus on roles. A lot of our members are already there, and they can fly highly specialized builds that make our fleets top notch in terms of capability and purpose.
These roles may include:
- Tackle
- Logistics
- Scout
- Interceptors - Fast Tackle
- Assault Frigates - Strong Tackle
- Interdictors - Mobile Bubble
- Heavy Interdictors - Immobile Bubble
- T2 Logistics Ships - Basilisk, etc.
- T2 Logistics Fittings - Large Remote Armor Repair II
- Sniping - Rokh, Cerberus, Eagle, Vulture
- Tanking - Numerous Ships
- Combat Recons, Force Recons, Electronic Assault Frigates
- EWAR Skills (i.e. ECM, Tracking Disruption, Target Painting, Webbing, etc.)
- Heavy Assault Ships, Battlecruisers, Battleships
- T2 Weaponry and Weapon Upgrades
- T2 Drones
- Interceptors, Stealth Bombers, Covert Ops, Force Recons
- Astrometrics Skills
- Covert Ops Cloaking
- Navigation Skills
- Tactical Knowledge *KEY*
Well, that's the beauty of it, everyone can and should dabble in all of these roles, long enough to know what's to their liking.
You wanna try your hand at tackle? Get a T1 frigate from me for PvP (they are free), and I will fit it for you, and you can come to a roam, and try that puppy out.
You wanna try your hand at logistics? Get a T1 cruiser from me for PvP (they are available at cost of insurance), and I will fit it for you, and you can come to a roam, and see how she rides.
You wanna try your hand at EWAR? Train your EWAR skills up to IIIs and IVs for your particular race, let me fit some modules on a T1 cruiser for you, and you can come try to jam some shizzle out.
You wanna DPS, and burninate some fools? Train to a battlecruiser, they are a staple of all PvP combat, good for all circumstances except very specialized gangs. It does not really take much to hop in your first PvP BC, hell we will sell one to you at cost of insurance and T1 fit it before we contract it over to you. You may not be able to lay down the pain train on some poor unsuspecting reds, but you will get a taste for blood, I promise you.
You wanna scout, and scope out the evil that is in our midst? Fit a T1 frigate with overdrives and a MWD, and come join in the fun with an empty clone. After all, if you die, you are out what... a mil?
These are easy things to accomplish, and I am here to tell you that you should not feel like PvP is a Veteran's Game because that could not be farther from the truth. If you choose to focus on roles, focus on TWO, make sure you mix it up, the last thing you wanna do is get caught always flying the same exact ship in the same way.
So, for instance, for Mendolus I chose my main focus as DPS (545DPS 69k EHP Drake) and scout (all sorts of skills, knowledge).
For Mithos I chose DPS (921DPS 135k EHP Armageddon) and Logistics (3977 Omnitank 915k EHP 1296DPS Thanatos).
These are things I specialize in, and I can always bring something to the table when I join a PvP fleet. So can you, just start talking to our veteran members, asking them about these roles, trying them all out, getting a feel for what you prefer most.
Things everyone should have in the short term for PvP:
Webbing (hours)
Scrambling (hours)
Tracking Disruption (hours)
ECM (hours)
Dampening (hours)
Neutralizing (hours)
Target Painting (hour)
Microwarpdrives (day or so)
T2 Drones (week or so)
Prototype Cloaks (week or so, for deep space gangs)
What are our long term PVP goals in the coming months?
Sovereignty. Sovereignty. Sovereignty. When the Winter Expansion is released and the sovereignty mechanic changes, we wanna be there waiting as the gates lift, so we too can rush to claim our own slice of New Eden. And to do this, a number of us are training carriers as we speak, we have been working hard to divvy up responsibility for POS so that a number of our members get experience with them, and we are building the alliance, one member at a time. It looks like the Alliance will have more than a dozen well skilled carrier pilots by Christmas and that is not counting the ones we recruit either. Folks, that is a capital fleet.
Okay, this has been useful information, but I am new, where do I start, who do I talk to, why does there not seem to be an official PvP schedule?
We spent the first two or three months of the year scheduling roams twice a week into Providence. The unfortunate reality of the situation is that in Providence, we are on the defensive, and the reds that roam around are almost always in covert or speed fleets that are incredibly hard to tackle. Some nights there are not even reds to fight. Between 10pm EST and 2am EST all the European and North American reds hit the sack, and it is not until around 2am EST that the Russians come out to play. So, being that 10pm-2am is our most active time, we are usually best off, if we form response fleets on the fly to hostiles that are actually present, rather than scheduling PvP. Months of bored roaming twice a week just warping from gate to gate hoping some neutral tries some funny business with us because there are no reds to shoot have soured our FCs on scheduled roams in Providence (although we still try to do so now and then to provide training and experience). However! To alleviate this, I am going to be scheduling roams in an NPC 0.0 region once a week or every other week, where we will almost be guaranteed to find or cause trouble every single time. Ask me in game for details on the who's who of the AU-F!
What about Industry?
Well, I cannot discuss this here, as I try to keep the blog to intelligence information that is suitable for public record. Suffice it to say, we are making big strides in this department, and with the Ark having taken its maiden voyage recently, we are more prepared and capable than ever before, to build an industrial foundation to fund our sovereignty goals with.