Chapter 2 Battlecruisers
So, you have all no doubt hopped onto EFT at some point, and built a dream boat, wondering whether that 30,000,000.00 ISK for a Drake for instance, is worth the hassle. Should you rig it, will it perform in PvP, and will it make the neighbors dog choke on his bone in surprise as you fly by thus ridding you of one more nuisance? Well, this comprehensive list will give you the bottom line on all those ships you wish you had a good excuse to buy, undock, or rig.
*Note: If you do not see your favorite ship listed here, it is either A) Flying Scrap Metal, B) Just Not Listed Yet, or C) I honestly do not have enough experience with it to do more than repeat what I have seen or heard.
Ratings: Between 1 and 10, 1 being very poor performance, 10 being the best possible performance.
Small - Around a half dozen pilots
Medium - Around a dozen pilots depending on fleet composition
Large - A dozen or more pilots depending on fleet composition

Preferred: Medium to Large Gang PvP - Low Security
PvP Rating: 4 PvE Rating: 6
Strength: Tank
Weakness: Damage
Other than being a sexy devil the Prophecy's main claim to fame is its unnatural ability to create units of EHP. Before even unwrapping this beast you will find it crooning about how tough it is to break in PvP combat. Easily sporting a tank of well over 150k EHP with trimark rigs, the Prophecy is the epitome of buffered combat. However, this leaves it with a rather lackluster damage output that puts it at a tactical disadvantage versus its sister ship the Harbinger. After all, killing your opponent before they kill you is more important than all the EHP in the game. This also makes it an ideal ship for completing most L3s as it has a broad range of tanking ability that can fulfill the requirements for any L3 in the game.

Preferred: Medium to Large Gang PvP - Null Security
PvP Rating: 6 PvE Rating: 3
Strength: Damage
Weakness: Tracking
The Harbinger is a PvP celebrity and is often flown by multitudes of pilots in the Providence area. Sporting damage statistics that put the most hardened pilot to shame, the Harbinger is a gunboat to the extreme. However, given the nature of combat in Providence, frequently being pitted against small frigate or cruiser sized hulls esp. Recons and now Stealth Bombers, the Harbinger is at a significant disadvantage. You will likely find most professional Harbinger pilots fitted with multiple tracking and sensor boosters to offset this. Having relatively little tanking ability it is best left to null security space as opposed to low security where sentry fire comes into play. This is also why the Harbinger is slightly ill-suited for L3s in PvE much like the Brutix.

Preferred: Large Gang PvP - Null Security
PvP Rating: 5 PvE Rating: 2
Strength: Damage
Weakness: Tank
Someone screwed up when they made such a beautiful ship with so little survivability. The Brutix is the classic killmail whore. Stealing your juicy top damages, killing blows, podkills, and the like, the Brutix is a beast with a zest for blood. This is also what makes it deceptively futile in low security combat situations, and quickly primaried in large gang combat. Like a moth to the flame, Brutix pilots are forced to close in deep within an enemy's tactical position, not likely to return, but likely to take a few out with them on the way. The Brutix is a relatively lesser PvP companion now compared to the Harbinger due to relying on blasters as opposed to pulses. The Brutix's poor tank is also the reason why it is very badly matched for most L3s with any moderate amount of incoming damage.

Preferred: Medium Gang PvP - Low Or Null Security
PvP Rating: 5 PvE Rating: 5
Strength: Drones
Weakness: Weak Variant
The Myrmidon has a little bit of everything, tank, damage, drones, versatility, and the power to put them all to use. The only thing it does not have is any real significant advantage over battlecruisers of any other shape or size, nor the staying power to back up the field. Though good at everything, the Myrmidon suffers from the classic middle child syndrome. Not nearly as agile as its smaller counterpart, the Vexor, and with the tracking issues that come with medium sized weaponry, as well as lacking the EHP or variable fittings of the Dominix, the Myrmidon typically falls short of being anything more than average. But there is something to be said about being good at everything and worst at nothing not to mention the fact that it makes the Myrmidon proficient at completing any and all L3s in the game.

Preferred: Medium Gang PvP - Low Security
PvP Rating: 2 PvE Rating: 2
Strength: Range
Weakness: Everything else...
The Ferox is an oddity in the field of battle as it rarely fills any role besides sniper. Given that sniper gangs are highly specialized, this means that the Ferox is relegated to infrequent operations and the back burner. And due to its ship size, the damage yield on its weaponry is subpar at best, leaving it pale in comparison to ranged ships such as the Rokh or Cerberus. Due to this, the Ferox is a poor substitute for almost any other battlecruiser in the game for L3s with the exception of the Brutix.

Preferred: Any Size Gang PvP - Low or Null Sec
PvP Rating: 8 PvE Rating: 8
Strength(s): Numerous
Weakness: Alpha Damage
One of the most common ships in the game the Drake has just about everything going for it except damage output. Versatile, agile, tough, and dominating, the Drake is an asset in any gang, at any time. Sporting anything from a capless, hybrid, or even active tank with missile ranges that are unmatched for its class and weaponry system, the Drake out classes most other battlecruisers. However, the nature of shield mechanics means that the Drake is especially weak to alpha strike damage. Despite it's generally average damage output, the Drake is a mainstay of PvP combat; just do not expect it to dominate any killmails except in small to medium sized gangs. The Drake is considered the only battlecruiser in the game that can solo L4 missions, though the speed of completion leaves something to be desired.

Preferred: Medium Gang PvP - Low Security
PvP Rating: 2 PvE Rating: 2
Strength: Tank
Weakness: Everything else...
Much like the Ferox the Cyclone suffers from having only one thing going for it, its tank. The Cyclone generally performs well below average in every other way, thus leaving it more of a distraction in PvP combat rather than an asset. With a bonus to artillery damage, which merely brings them up to snuff with regular weaponry due to artillery's already low damage output, one should not expect much out of the Cyclone in combat. Though somewhat manageable for L3s, the Cyclone is a poor substitute for its bigger brother, the Hurricane.

Preferred: Medium to Large Gang PvP - Low or Null Security
PvP Rating: 4 PvE Rating: 5
Strength: Speed
Weakness: Autocannons
The Hurricane, formerly one of the most well renowned battlecruisers in the game, has lost some of its flair since the nano nerf and other subsequent changes to the game mechanic. Being mostly reliant on a natural speed and better than average tank, the Hurricane performs a role comparable to the Harbinger but without quite the punch, placing it somewhere in between a Brutix and Harbinger in performance. In L3s the Hurricane easily out performs most other battlecruisers and holds its own.