Solar Ships
The ship replacement program is taking on a more streamlined form and function. Details below.
Okay so you want a ship built by the corporation? I thought about making a detailed, formatted, and professional list of all the options available to you, but I think I will just word it out. Here goes.
You want a frigate, guess what those are FREE! So you fly to MISABA, you post a contract at the corporate level at the only station in the system, and you make that contract for an Item Exchange, add the frigate you desire, and set no prices.
You want a cruiser for personal use, guess what those are AVAILABLE AT COST! So you fly to MISABA, you post a contract at the corporate level at the only station in the system, and you make that contract for an Item Exchange, add the cruiser you desire, and set that you will pay the same cost as the ship is in Empire.
You want a cruiser for corporate use, guess what those are AVAILABLE AT COST OF INSURANCE! So you fly to MISABA, you post a contract at the corporate level at the only station in the system, and you make that contract for an Item Exchange, add the cruiser you desire, and set that you will pay the cost of platinum insurance on that ship.
You want a battlecruiser for personal use, guess what those are AVAILABLE AT COST! So you fly to MISABA, you post a contract at the corporate level at the only station in the system, and you make that contract for an Item Exchange, add the battlecruiser you desire, and set that you will pay the same cost as the ship is in Empire.
You want a battlecruiser for corporate use, guess what those are AVAILABLE AT COST OF INSURANCE! So you fly to MISABA, you post a contract at the corporate level at the only station in the system, and you make that contract for an Item Exchange, add the battlecruiser you desire, and set that you will pay the cost of platinum insurance on that ship.
Rules And Guidelines
Oh hey look, there is fine print!
Personal Use - Fly it, ride it, smash it, sell it, lend it to your buddy, do whatever you want with it, it belongs to you, you paid for it after all.
Corporate Use - Do not take it out of low or null security, do not package it, do not insure it yourself, do not let anyone borrow it. This ship is corporate property and you have received it for cost of insurance. This is a company car dude, take it out and get it demolished, but only if you are the one driving!
Contract Duration - You need to set that contract to last for two weeks, I ain't a friggin magician, I need time to work this kind of magic, it is definitely not easy like Sunday morning.
Role - We are going to have T1 fittings out the turd launcher any day now, if you want to have your ride pimped be sure to list a role in the Description field of the contract you issue, such as PvP, PvE, Ratting, Salvaging, Womanizing. I will try to throw on a good fit for any role you list.
Cost Of Insurance, WTFBBQ? - It's easy, pop open EVEMon, open a plan, go to the ship browser, look at the first line on the ship description, oh base price! Platinum insurance is 30% of base cost. I am gonna leave the ball in your court on this one. Have fun!
Eligibility, I can haz? - Well, I hate to be a curmudgeon, but some of these ships eat up a lot of minerals to manufacture even with perfect manufacturing, so only certain people will be eligible for them. Who? Anyone can have frigates from day one, even that bug-eyed stranger lurking in the shadows who somehow slipped by Varian's screen of impenetrable interviewing! Cruisers, only those with the Member role. Battlecruisers, only those with the Soldier role. Do not fret, roles will be updated soon, as at the time this blog was written few people had the Soldier role.
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