Member: Thinking about working up to the really nice cloak
Mendolus: yea, it doesn't really take long in some ways, but the skills to fly the ships that use them do, you can use a [covert] cloak with just Cloaking IV, but to fly a Cov Ops you need Electronics Upgrades V (10-12 days) and Racial Frigate V (9-10 days)
Mendolus: but they're super sexy ships, I live by my cloaking ships 75% of the time
Mendolus: You'll also wanna train Warp Drive Operation IV, Evasive Maneuvering IV, Navigation IV, and if you are feeling really bold and you wanna make a scout ship that will really earn every ISK, you can train a few levels into Advanced Spaceship Command for the added agility (even I haven't done this yet and I'm a scout on Mendolus)
Mendolus: the reason I say Warp Drive Operation IV is because the Amarr Covert Ops ship is like the Caldari one, it has a stupid high capacitor requirement to initiate warps, and in large systems with a distance of 75 AU from gate to gate, or even just traveling as a scout for a fleet or if you are running from pursuers, the last thing you wanna have happen is you run out of cap charge, lol
Mendolus: if you train Warp Drive IV you should never have probs tho
Member: yeah, I can see that as being bad
Mendolus: er I meant up above you can use a Cov Ops cloak with just Cloaking IV :D
Mendolus: Proofread fail!
Mendolus: 8-}
Member: takes way to much CPU looks like
Member: wanted to fit that on my BC
Mendolus: Nah, that's the thing, the ships that can use the Cov Ops Cloaking device have a ship bonus to those devices
Mendolus: Covert Ops Skill Bonus: -98% to -100% reduction in Cloaking Device CPU use per level
Member: zomg
Mendolus: I thoroughly enjoy all things cloaky, but as a PvP cloaker, you're always literally on the verge of death at any moment, BUT the chances of that death are stupid slim compared to regular combat pilots, however regular combat pilots have a high survival chance overall in combat situations because they have defensive/offensive systems ya know?
Member: Yeah
Member: if a scout gets caught then that's it
Mendolus: Now, Force Recons like the Falcon who can warp cloaked have defensive systems as well, but if you get caught by more than 2-3 people, those systems won't matter.
Mendolus: yea, so like in a Cov Ops frigate you may only have a 1% chance of being caught a majority of the time you fly, but that 1% is death whereas a regular combat pilot may have a 50% chance of being locked as a primary target by a hostile fleet and then some variable chance of dying depending on the encounter, etc.
Mendolus: I really enjoy being a scout, it's an adrenaline rush, and you play a pivotal role in a fleet that others shirk off because they would rather be listed on killmails than play a role in the fleet that makes or breaks the fleet's survival, which is a lot of responsibility
Mendolus: Plus being a scout means you're on your own almost the entire time the fleet is active, and if you get caught, no one is going to come to your rescue.
Mendolus: Even if they tried, you'll be dead before they can even jump through to your side and begin firing on hostiles.
Mendolus: But that's what makes it exciting, gotta go all balls deep as a scout and if you are good at it, you are always relied on.
Mendolus: The alliance is always looking for new scouts, and it'd give you the opportunity to observe regular PvP while not risking ships all the time as well.
Mendolus: :)
Mendolus: Altho, a probing rigged Cov Ops is generally around 50,000,000.00 ISK with ship, riggings, and fittings.
Mendolus: I have had the same Helios since last August, however.
Mendolus: B-)
*Note: The downside to having low Warp Drive operation and running out of cap is not as obvious as it seems. The reason it is bad to run out of capacitor as a scout is that you get stuck in a system while your pursuers are able to setup shop so to speak and create a gauntlet at the next gate for you to try and bust through.
No matter if you have zero capacitor charge or not, your ship will initiate a warp, even if it only jumps a few hundred thousand kilometers towards the intended destination. So it is not like you are going to have no capacitor and be unable to escape the current grid that your ship is on. This is a very important bit of information that is not readily available nor obvious. Who would assume that a ship with no capacitor can still warp, or limp for that matter?
Other skills I forgot to mention that are sometimes necessary, or come highly recommended:
Electronics V
Covert Ops IV
Astrometrics IV
Astrometric Acquisition IV
Astrometric Pinpointing IV
Astrometric Triangulation IV
Cynosural Field Theory I
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