There is nothing like hopping in a battleship, undocking, zipping from belt to belt, and melting rats for juicy bounties. What did I make, probably twenty million almost in an hour or two just from bounties? Another can or two filled with loot and salvage, a True Sansha Battleship rat that had a whopping bounty but lousy loot, and a few laughs and good times with my ratting buddies, and I feel like I am on top of the world!
This is the life man, we have a whole region of 0.0 space as our personal playground, and no one is out there telling us when to jump and how high, unless we break the few rules there are, namely the NRDS. Who could ask for more? We get to play as we see fit, set our own goals, and leisurely rat in the deep recesses of null security where there are no can flippers, ninja salvagers, empire griefers, scammers, and other various forms of vermin to pester us incessantly. Just a few stray reds now and then and nothing but adventure and the vastness of space between one belt and the next. This is the life.
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