Interminable ISK
Last week went by quick for me, partly because of my frequent and annoying jaw and muscle pain, but also because I've been somewhat floundering on what to do ingame from one moment to the next lately.
I need ISK, and I need it fast, but it seems like every time I go to burn some ol' rats at a belt there are a dozen others with the same idea, or complete a string of L4s only to find some week old rube looting and salvaging my wrecks, which results in a half an hour long private conversation about being careful who he freely loots from because certain alliances are rather bloodthirsty at this time and will use any excuse to open up the flood gates and unleash fiery hell upon others. I am proud of that fact, by the way, as an alliance should have brass balls and nerves of steel. Something we do very well.
But the main idea is I need money, and I needed it last month, let alone this month. How much do I need, you ask?
Well, the skillsheets for getting into a Thanatos cost around a billion. The skillsheets for getting into a Rorqual cost about a billion. The cost of getting both ships is about a billion or more a piece. I am also getting a Golem the first week of January to alleviate the problems listed above ^. I'd like to see the hyenas salvage my wrecks faster than I can when they cannot tractor them and are forced to occupy my grid while NPCs spawn. The Golem will cost a billion, btw. So that is what, oh around five or six billion ISK, no worries, I'll just open up my wal...*gasp* Holy Flappin' Mothras Batman, we have no ISK! Okay, okay, so I'm not exactly broke, but I'm getting to where I cannot afford to replace some of the ships I fly, and we all know what they say about that.
So, big deal right, everyone needs ISK to fund their gaming habit in EVE. Yes, it must be nice to rat 75% of the time, and PvP 25% when there are official gangs and I covet the fact that our corporation is set up so that people can do that if they so desire. There is much to be said about leading a relatively carefree gaming lifestyle and I work myself too hard to make sure others have that luxury. So I could do that too, or could I? Well it would be nice, for sure, but for me it will always be more 25% ratting/missions and 75% administrative. But I think mainly I need to just batten the hatches, cinch up my belt, and use these new casual days the way they were intended. So from now on, on casual days, I do literally nothing but personal stuff, like earn ISK. Sorry random PvP gangs. Sorry last minute manufacturing or administrative needs. Daddy needs a shiny new Golem, Thanatos, and Rorqual and there is only one way to do it beyond selling my left nut, aptly named Wrinkles, to science.
So if it's a casual day and you find some reds who need pounding, please do not take it the wrong way when I say no thanks, I have priorities that I must meet.
Six billion in the next three months is quite a bill and I do not intend to skimp on the tip.
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