You want relaxation, I've got
your relaxation... right... here!
Hey hey! It's been a long month since I posted here. Wonder why? Well not much has happened to be honest. No that is not a bad thing, it's good. Why is it good? Because Dominion, it is coming. My favorite phrase at times, has always been the tried and true, if you cannot do anything about it then the only thing you can do is hurry up and wait for it. This old cliche could not be more appropriate for our time ingame at the moment and for the past few weeks.
For the past month, if I haven't been on vacation, I have been taking it easy, playing this or that game, hanging out with these or those friends, taking a much needed EVEcation to get my druthers together in anticipation for what I am hoping will be the biggest expansion yet in EVE insofar as its likelihood to dramatically change the landscape of the entertainment experiences possible to us.
Because of this, and because of a number of other issues, namely that lately a significant and somewhat alarming portion of our more active members have had real life issues come in between them and a nightly jaunt through space, I have issued, though not directly until now, a sort of moratorium on hardcore gaming within the corporation. Now is the time for everyone to sit back, soak in all the hard work they have done for this corporation and for themselves over the past ten months since we first deployed a POS, and to enjoy all things non-EVE related. Go out, buy or play a console game, sub again to an old flame MMO, and enjoy yourself. When Dominion comes out there will likely be more things to entertain or occupy us than we can even mention in one sitting, so until then, take a break! That's what I am doing. I have run this corporation since the spring of '08 and rarely taken more than a week here or there to just sit back and relax until this past month. So I highly recommend everyone else do the same to avoid the inevitable burnout of putting one's nose to the grindstone at any one thing for more than six months at a stretch. Just make sure you check in on the game every day or so for emergency dispatch or critical information. For example, the showing we had two nights in a row for the CVA incident was simply amazing.
Dominion releases in December. We have a few more weeks of utter carefree time to simply smell the flowers, so have at it! While you're at it, pick those flowers, give them to your significant other or hopeful flame, and get some! Lord knows you have plenty of free time right now while things in EVE are in a holding pattern and nothing major is going on.
Your friend,
I'm waiting as fast as I can!