Fatal Ascension has successfully relocated to the Scalding Pass region and my intentional public blackout is now at an end, as we have established ourselves wholly in our new area.
Couple easy things to note, that have been going on in the most recent weeks, be they gloriously successfully or arduously difficult, are the following:
- Logistics hauling with capital ships, SUCCESS
- Medium to Large organized combat fleets, POSSIBLE
- Getting carebear and newbie pilots to come out to Scalding Pass on their own, NEAR IMPOSSIBLE
- Getting people to NOT warp into engagements in ones and twos, NEAR IMPOSSIBLE
- Getting people to realize Scalding Pass neither resembles nor even remotely likens to Providence, NEAR IMPOSSIBLE
- Gaining focus from a core group of a few hundred in the alliance, SUCCESS
- Securing most infrastructure in our new sovereign systems, SUCCESS
- Making ISK for myself at a personal level, NEAR IMPOSSIBLE
The alliance is going through the growing pains any alliance in our position would be. Having been shucked from the proverbial cornucopia that was Providence, we have found ourselves in what appears to be a relatively inhospitable area of 0.0 space but what is in reality the best opportunity we have been given since my corporation was created, personally.
With various fleet commanders leading sparse fleets here and there, too busy, like myself, to devote a majority of their time to one thing or another, the alliance is suffering from too much too soon, but in light of this, we cannot help but ride fast and furious, as it is the only way this stuff is going to get done.
Because of this, coming to a fleet near you, will be I, Mendolus, Empire Fleet Commander of the alliance, striking out into the depths 0.0 once more, to lead weekly fleets, and bolster cohesion, coordination, and participation.
I may not be the most experienced, in some respects, but... at the risk of sounding like I am tooting my own horn, I would like to think I extremely capable, give my years of experience at leading group activities in multiple MMOs. After all, a fleet battle is nothing more than a carefully orchestrated chain of audible, visual, and other sensory reception and command. And the only fleet commanders I have ever seen in this game, that do well, are the ones that master themselves first, and others second. So, to battle, we ride at dawn.
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