Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Why do I want to fly a Nyx?  Of course the easy answer is that I am guilty of wanting to indulge in the game's high end content.  The more difficult answer is that I honestly do not trust others to fly it first.  Without going into too much detail, I can tell you I have seen some pretty ridiculous stuff done with capitals before, and I do not mean that in a good way.  My idea of doing something ridiculous is not having enough money on my main account to insure my capital before joining the second engagement in the D-GTMI battle, and coming out four hundred million short after reimbursement from Aralis of my own fault.  That's unconscionable to me.  How could I forget when I knew my dual box setup was down for the count at the time and I could not relog another character cuz the fleet break was a mere five minutes?  Unthinkable!  Oh, but after a few months since my own capital loss, the things I have seen... *shakes head* I had to help a pilot out who had his carrier stuck in an NPC 0.0 outpost where the hostiles were hostile and the neutrals were hostile on top of hostile... the best part was he had no calibration, so how he got the thing there to begin with is beyond me, so I kindly helped him out by using my calibration skills to get it out of harm's way in a single hop.  That required a beer before and a beer after, given that a fleet of a dozen or so hostiles was zipping back and forth up that pipe all night long, it was four in the morning, and my eyes were glued to the screen like there was a swimsuit competition on.  From the time I got my eyes on the station to when I jumped out to the cyno it took about thirty five minutes of careful observation and noting who's who.  Something like:

Dual box cloaked eyes on station, wait, wait, wait, locals ratting or docked, wait, new red, wait, red left, two new neutrals, one left, one docked, another undocked, docked, undock capital pilot in a shuttle, ha, someone pop me so I know if you're watching, c'mon fools, I warp off, safe spot towards planet, maybe think a POS if someone is watching, warp back, docked, gang of six jumps in, jumps out, did not come to station, reds gone, just neutrals and blues left, ratting or docked, okay, undock capital pilot again, is someone wise to me, we will see, c'mon pop my shuttle, noobs can never resist giving away their positions, they pounce at the slightest stir in space, 20k loss compared to carrier with command ships and heavy assault cruisers in its ship bay is easy math, c'mon c'mon... aaaaaaaaaaand absolutely nothing, jack squat, no one is watching, or they are as sly as I am or better in which case they have the right to teach me a lesson, ok *dock capital pilot and board carrier*, *takes ample swig of Guinness* let's do this thing, *undocks*, slingshot, going going, gone!  *cloak* ok, time to align to safe, aligning, aligning, *uncloak*, warp warp warp, in warp!  *cloak* ok cyno buddy, *takes another dripping sloshy gulp of Guiness* let's go!  *uncloa...FOOF* and I'm gone in a flash!  Just call me Flash Gordon, brosef.  That's how you get outta hostile space.

I am convinced that people just simply do not care or cannot put two and two together.  Here is what I imagine them thinking when they put a capital in a situation like I had to get them out of:  "After all, it's just pixels in space, forget the twenty four hours straight of ratting or pounding out missions it took to purchase that carrier and fit it, or the fact that I have a complete lack of navigation skills, I wanna jump it through hostile space and run rip shod on the seat of my pants!  Oh noz, *POOF* I guess it is back to T1 frigates...boy am I the best capital pilot ever or what?"

As is the case with anything that has an intrinsic value beyond the time and energy committed to its production, I firmly believe that in the right hands a supercap is basically priceless in today's game environment.  When carriers, dreads, and etc. are treated like so many pieces of candy by rookie and experienced pilots alike it becomes obvious to me that a perfectly executed drop of a handful of supercaps can annihilate billions worth of ships in mere minutes, with little to no risk to themselves.  Hell, I have seen it done three or four times already, though I have not witnessed it directly.

So, yes, it is a guilty pleasure to want to fly a fairly formidable but expensive ship, but more than that, I would rather see it flown the right way, because the alternative is unsavory at best.

I think I might just actually and seriously go emo for a whole day if I have to hear a story about some rube who was given the first alliance supercap and decided it'd be fun to aggress at a gate in low sec to pop a couple hostiles, only to find himself  swarmed over by every Tom, Dick, and Hairy in the tri-region area, and lose his supercap in a most painfully slow and excruciating manner.  In fact, in going emo, rather than cut myself, which would be folly, I think I'd like to cut him instead.  Yes, yes I think that would be nice.  Quite nice.


Although, there is a rumor, most foul, that my industry alt is beginning a twelve month training regimen to Sniper Apocalypse, Paladin, and... Avatar! *gasp* Say it ain't so bud, say it ain't so, only the sexiest ship in the entire game, as if I will ever fly one.  But one can dream, can he not?  At least along the way I will be max training some of the most useful fleet battleships I can think of.



  1. Two quick comments:
    * I'm SOOOOO jealous
    * I see you made a mistake in your post. You mistakenly described the Avatar as "sexiest ship in the entire game" when we all know that you meant Erebus.

    Who would think that a big dick in space is sexy? Hmm.. actually don't answer that. :)

  2. I woulda gone with Ragnarok personally. Just because its the only titan with 500 tons of duct tape.
