Since everyone has so graciously and much to my absolute delight (Of course guys can be delighted! *teehee*) decided that they would rather live in 0.0 space than mess with the bloated redundancy and tomfoolery of Empire, I am going headlong into my latest project in the name of the corporation. While Empire is still fun for a nice relaxing time and to make some risk free money, I think most people have gotten a taste for the wild out in 0.0 and they know that the real entertainment occurs there.
That being said, a new phase in the corporation will dawn in about a month and a half.
Yes, as you might have noted from the header image, I am talking about Jump Freighters. These badass haulers of the game can pretty much guarantee that we are never hindered again by trying to haul fuel, modules, minerals, ore, ships, goods, materials, fluffy stuffed animals, kitchen sinks, and exotic dancers, both in, out, and around low and null security.
What will this mean for the corporation itself? Well suffice it to say, we will be able to devote far less time to logistics and far more time to fun, anywhere, anytime. You wanna mine in G7AQ-7 where the phatty ore lives? Feel free! You mine enough to fill my Ark's hold and it's worth the jump fuel, guess what, it gets hauled to Mamet where Huff refines it at 100% and we are all stinking rich over night.
On August 13th, at 2:21:06AM in the morning, I will officially be able to fly an Ark in the name of the corporation. This. Is. Win.
P.S. Please bear in mind these JFs cost +3bil so as a personal investment I would never request, encourage, or even entertain asking someone else to acquire a JF as well, though I would welcome if more than one of us could fly one.
P.S.S Also please note that a lot of systems are cyno-jammed in Providence so I am not absolute certain at this point how well a JF from our alliance can get around out there at the moment.
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