And That Damned News Blotter
He Never Explains To Us!
Ok, so am I like the worst chief editor or what? I always post these updates in the This Week section of the blog and even my officers are uncertain from time to time what the French Toast I am talking about. And, I can only imagine your surprise, when I gain your undivided and entertained attention on my blog at long last, only to frustrate you with vague announcements and little explanation.
So, from now on, when I update the weekly blotter, I will also followup with a short synopsis of what the holy fubar I am getting on about, and why it should matter to you. Also from now on, the blotter will be known as In The News rather than This Week as it has been mostly comprised of past, present, and future events from the start anyways.
So, beginning with this weeks most dubiously cryptic announcements, the following summary is due:
- DUST 512 - What's up with this, an FPS tethered to my EVE? Say it ain't so CCP, say it ain't so. Who pays the price if the FPS flops? Yeah that's right, we do.
- August was a quiet month for the AU-F. A few upsets, a few welcome homecomings, and a pint of beer later, and it ends with rather little fanfare or momentous occasions.
- I haul for the corporation, as do many others, but the smattering of reds in and around all of low security space every night of the week lately has made it inconvenient for any reasonable haulers to do business outside of blockade runners.
- Kane Deckard, a real life friend of EldraNiColarus, joins the Aurelius Federation.
- Gertimus has been appointed a seat in the Aurelius Senate, an oligarchy of our most active and dedicated members who help us make decisions at the corporate level on general or all-encompassing goals, directives, and day to day operations.
- Sometime this week, we are going to undock, and there will be wrecks in 0.0 space, and they will not be ours nor will they be NPCs.
- Varian Knight (Chris) and his real life friends are homesick after experimenting with maintaining their own house, and finding that while fun and rewarding, they would much rather share those rewards with us than amongst themselves as it was a lot of hard work. Hey, let's face it, corporations are hard work, the more friends you have to help you throw the weight around, the more fun everyone can have as a whole. The Senate voted unanimously to reinstate all previous corporate members, a testament to their status as our friends and associates, wherever they fly in space and under whatever banner.
- Devin, officer, friend, and Skunkworks Commander, has started college courses again, with some night classes, and a lot of hard work ahead of him. As such, he may not be as active as we are used to, so please offer your time and assistance to him when able, should he ask you to participate in any activities he is sponsoring or involved in. It may be the one time every week that he has more than a few hours free, so it will mean a lot to him.
- Jay (Mia), the Capsuleer Formerly Known As Staigor, has a planned suicide gang this week to operate within inches of the CONCORD laws, hopefully to wreak bloody burning vengeance on our enemies, somewhere special, in Empire space. Check the corporate mailer for details.
- Public recruitment for PvP pilots is closed. For the time being, recruitment of PvP pilots is only available through invitation or sponsorship from an existing member of the Federation. Public recruitment for Industrial players remains open.
- The Senate voted unanimously a week or so ago to raise the SP limit for incoming recruits to 3,000,000 Skillpoints. Those excluded from this rule are so by invite or sponsorship only. This means, public recruitment of any kind, where an advert is placed, and responded to, can only let in people with 3,000,000 or more Skillpoints unless they are specifically scouted or sponsored by an existing Federation member.
So, that's last week and this week's comings and goings. Thanks for reading!
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