That Hair On The Back
Of Your Neck Feeling
I typically try to keep these entries fairly upbeat or at least cursory and nonchalant but we have some things to discuss of a more serious nature given the continuing influx of new members. The same members whom thankfully have so far by majority become our new friends and worthy corporate brethren.
Yes, that simple word, which strikes fear into the heart of any person(s) in EVE who have material or liquid assets that are accessible to more than they alone, who have entrusted in their fellow gamers with an informal contract a good portion of their more valuable tangible and intangible possessions. Security is by far half the battle when it comes to player groups whether they be a corporation, alliance, or both.
So, as Jay has pointed out recently, and as Varian is always very concerned with but not always vocal about, security is our primary means of protecting ourselves from the unscrupulous and unforgiving elements outside of our own corporation.
Here are a few ground rules that I expect everyone to follow for the future when talking about corporate business to anyone who has only been with us for a very short while:
- Sure we have POSs, but they are located in the magical land of sugar plum fairies and candy cane roads upon which only the most beneficent of souls may enter upon or have knowledge of. In english, POS locations are private, only managers should be responsible for revealing their location if they so desire.
- Sure we have fleets, but they are comprised entirely of rookie ships and we randomly undock once a week in a swarm of legendary proportions to cleanse the Providence region of the foul stench of filth that hostile alliances bring down upon us by stepping into CVA space. In english, PvP fleet information, scheduling, composition, and common operating locations are private and only myself, Jay (Mia), or Chris (Varian) should ever be responsible for discussing these things with the newest of recruits. A simple we fly a few times a week and these are our FCs should be enough for the curious recruit. If they want to know more, like where we stash our plethora of Titans and the shield harmonic for the POS they are in, there is a problem.
- Sure we have mining, in fact we regularly schedule mining operations in unannounced wormhole space garnered from jumping through twelve distinct wormhole nodes until we are so far beyond the known reaches of space, reason, and location that not even a GM himself could find a way to pinpoint our juicy fleet of Hulks teaming with officer mods. In english, all Industry related endeavors are private, and only those courteously invited to the AU-F Mining channel hosted by our Industry leader Meatay, should ever need to know what we do, when we do it, and where we do it. Our orgies involving hard merciless rocks and long icy objects are a private matter.
- Every member we have, seventy at the time of this blog, goes to sleep at downtime and wakes up maybe an hour later to resume their patrol of our known operating systems, in their T2 ships with all Vs in skills and fit with officer gear, in fleets of dozens upon dozens. To stay awake, our members often drink excessively dangerous levels of energy drinks, snort unidentified and often illicit substances in copious amounts, have quit real life, denounced all women, moved into their mother's basements, and shit in a pan through a hole in their computer chairs. We will not talk about the stench that wafts out of the basement and throughout the neighborhood. In english, our activity levels are our own, and unless you like being snooped by possible spy alts and losing your T2 ship worth a few hundred million ISK, a response of we are an active corporation that operates mainly between 00:00 EVE to 06:00 EVE every night of the week should be sufficient for any new recruit.
- The existence of or presence within the corporation or alliance of any ship or asset worth more than one billion ISK as a whole is a complete fabrication and constitutes libelous slander with which we will petition the known CCP universe in its entirety in order to slam any heinous rumor spreaders with the good book, that is to say, the EULA, straight back into the Commodore days, from which they shall never return. In english, our capital ships, freighters, POSs, and anything else worth more money than your Depression Era grandmother's mattress are of no concern to the newest recruit who just stepped off the boat and onto the docks. If they cannot read the corporate mailers and ascertain what services are available to all members from the start, whether they be services stemming from capital ships, freighters, shiny baubles, or otherwise valuable commodities, you should not be pointing them to the character who owns the most valuable asset in the corporation and when he will undock it next or leave it publicly accessible for a brief but adequate enough amount of time with which the wandering eye might reconnoiter it.
Okay, so that is pretty good I believe, and covers most of the pertinent issues concerning security related matters.
Yes, I do of course realize that the new recruit, eager, fresh, green, and willing to supplicate our every desire may read this, or get the sort of cold shoulder as noted above, and get a negative impression of our almost wholly friendly, warm, and welcoming corporation, but we have already been fooled once, so shame on the fooler from hereon out, and not us please. Though a testament to our corporate infrastructure, the tight ship I run around these parts, and the continuing work of our members to protect our corporate assets, and despite the mere fact that this grievance was imparted upon members at a personal level and not a corporate level, we are still vulnerable to the usual espionage of scouting fleet formations, locations, movements, and the like. Whatever undocks into the depths of space or resides in a publicly accessible fashion, becomes anyone's game, so please remember, if it resides in space or a corporate hangar all of or part of the time, protect it not only with your actions but also with your words.
Trust me, those members who join, and may not at first understand why we remain so secretive, will appreciate it when the expensive ship they just bought is not obliterated upon undocking because some new and seemingly perfect and normal recruit was actually a spy who alerted a hostile force of their presence and what they were about to undock into space. This is not to mention the plethora of other such scenarios both at the personal, group, corporate, or alliance level.
Besides, if that new recruit is going to also become our new friend, he needs to show us he has earned it, right? Otherwise what do we want him here for? Shits and giggles? Hehe.
/Uneasy Truth
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