No, not the 50 Cent song, just a Strategic Cruiser, of all things. I bought one. I swore I would never do so when they came out because of the skill point loss and exorbitant cost at the time. However, the price has dropped down to where Command Ships were when T3 came out, so I did not feel so, ...robbed, after purchasing one. Of course, coming from a veteran, saying a ship that cost 400,000,000.00 ISK to purchase, modularize, rig, and fit is relatively cheap, probably sounds like insanity to any player under a year old. However, given that I bought the ship knowing I could afford to lose it, not planning to lose it, but knowing I could at any time, I have fully prepared for its use.
What do I think so far? I am not entirely sure, I love the idea of the ship, and being a scout, and fitting it for scouting, it's like the pinnacle of slippery mechanics. However, I cannot get over the alien look of the hull, with the protruding cockpit coming out of the bowels of the ship, almost like it is right out of one of the Alien movies. On the other hand, it handles extremely well, which is certainly more pertinent than its aesthetic appeal, and I am absolutely pleased with its agility above all else.
That being said, I am pleased to hear that you no longer have to destroy the rigs to reassemble the subsystems, and that means, I only need one of these puppies! It is a beast, for sure, sporting 110k EHP, 3.4 second align time, Covert Ops cloak, decent strength combat probes, and immunity to interdiction mechanics. I plan to take it out to our new region in the coming weeks, and go officer hunting. Aptly named, Templar, I have discovered a fondness for this ship that I may nurture in the coming months, in light of the introduction of T3 frigates at some point in the near future, of which I will undoubtedly and wholly invest myself in, when they are released. I am after all, most comfortable in a trusty Covert Ops ship, zipping about space, unseen but omnipresent, like a thief in the night, I am a scout at heart.
X-R3NM Changes Hands
5 years ago
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